Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 10: October 28 - November 1
3 View Silhouette - Concept Design for Main Character

Silhouette - Concept Design for Main Character

This week we've been working on main character silhouette's for the game. Above are my designs. The idea behind the silhouette is to create a design that players can quickly recognize. Once we are pleased with the silhouette design we will flesh out the details. As is apparent from the concepts above, we are considering a limbless character with hands and feet much like Rayman.

We have also been working hard at narrowing down our story and art direction. Right now everything is a little slow going as far as the art team is concerned. We are six artists strong and each of us excel in different mediums, and have different skill sets. We're trying to figure that out so that the art, or visuals, of the game will be coherent and easily readable to the players.

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