Video Games

Reflect It is finished and published for the Playstation Vita! Buy the game on Playstation Mobile found within the Playstation Network for the Playstation Vita.

Click on the Link to follow the game:
Pull The Plug Studio

Here is an image of "Reflection" being played on the Vita, as well as a link to gameplay video:

Reflection Gameplay On Vita

"Lipo Lab"

"Rockstar Factory"

"Mean Peace"

Click on the following links to check out a few simple games I programmed.
Platformer ("Shadow Boy")
Connect 4
Space Invaders

Click on the link to download and play the game:
Demon Pact

Here are some level design images as well as in game art for "Demon Pact"
Level 1 Concept Art
The Upper Half is the Over World
The Bottom Half is the Underworld
Level 1 In Game Art (character not final)

Image 1 (Overworld)
Design of How Game Mechanic of Shifting
Between Worlds Works
Image 2 (Underworld)
Design of How Game Mechanic of Shifting
Between Worlds Works

"Mol Wars" 

"Mol Wars" Game Board

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