Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 7: October 7 - 11

This week we pitched our game Twisted Souls to a panel of industry professionals. I thought we did a good job, but unfortunately Twisted Souls has been canned and will not make it into full production. It's a tough lesson to learn, albeit an important one, within the video game industry that there will be times you put your heart and soul into a project, like with Twisted Souls, only to have the game cancelled.
On the upside, I am excited to be working on the game code named Ripple. This game is an exploration game where players draw mirrors to solve puzzles and explore the world. I think the game has a lot of potential and will push us as a team, which is 11 members strong (6 artists, 5 programmers). I thought this game was awesome when it was first pitched and I'm glad that I get to play an important part in making sure this game is everything it can and will be.

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