Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 16: April 21 - 25

Well, it's the last week of the semester, our game has been published and now appears on Playstation Mobile store, and we had a great turnout for EAE day. It's been a long year and a short year at the same time but it's been a lot of fun in Capstone. It's kind of sad to see it coming to a close, and exciting at the same time. We had a lot of fun as a team and I think we were able to create a pretty good game on the PS Vita. Now bring on the $$$$$! I have grad school to pay for.
Week 15: April 14 - 18

We are still waiting for our game to appear on Playstation Mobile. Hopefully it happens soon because we're getting things ready for EAE day next week and we'd like people to be able to purchase our game from the store if they would like to.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 14: April 7 - 11

We finally fixed everything we needed to and Sony has excepted our game submission!!!! It shouldn't be too long before our game is available for purchase on Playstation Mobile (PSM). Yeeeaaaaa!!!!
Week 13: March 31 - April 4

Another week gone by and still Sony has not excepted our game submission. There are still little tweaks we are doing in order to meet their requirements. One of the things I had to do was to fix the controls screen. When I first created it I used an image of a Vita, which Sony won't allow due to copyright issues. Anyway, I made a new controls screen for our game

This was the original overlay

This is the new overlay I made

Week 12: March 24 - 28:

Well, everyone is back from GDC and now we are trying to fix whatever bugs and issues that need fixing. As far as art is concerned not a whole lot has been happening as we feel there is no point in doing more art work until what we do have is working and fun. I did make a logo for our company (Pull the Plug Studio) name however, as that is a requirement for Sony to except our game submission. Plus, we needed one.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 11: March 17 - 21

Since a lot of our team was at GDC this week we didn't work on the game as far as art was concerned. Right now tech team has been doing all the work in order to fix all the issues so that we can submit the game to Sony.
Week 10: March 10 - 14

This week was spring break and so we took the week off.